As we approach the end of the year, almost every game imaginable is prepping to celebrate the season to round off the year with some updates and Clash of Clans is no different. Players are currently anticipating the big changes coming to the game with the Town Hall 17 update which is slated to release pretty soon.
For now, though, we still haven’t got word on when the update will arrive but based on some peculiar Clash of Clans events happening right now (oh where art thou, Builder’s Hammer Jam Hammer?), we can speculate and figure out the release date pretty easily.
So today we’re checking out the possible release dates for the Clash of Clans Town Hall 17 update to keep you updated. That said, if you need a new Clash of Clans account to catch up before the update drops, click the link here to find a tonne of options from U7BUY –
The First Step – Hammer Jam 2024 Release![]()
The first piece of the puzzle is Hammer Jam 2024 and if you’ve already checked out our previous breakdown, with the new ‘true-crime’ style storyline focused on someone stealing Clash of Clans Builder’s Hammer Jam Hammer content already releasing we can estimate the timeline based on this.
The initial announcement for the missing Hammer was released on November 4th and since then we’ve already received a couple of new podcast episodes from the ‘Hammerless’ series content.
As we narrow down the suspects for the rest of this week from November 4th – 10th, (assuming the storyline goes on for a week), then we could possibly expect Hammer Jam to begin next week, on Monday, 11th November 2024.
Supposing that this does happen, then Clash of Clans Hammer Jam will last for around two weeks as shown from the previous years’ Hammer Jams which means the Hammer Jam event should end around the 24th or 25th of November 2024.
Another point from the history we should consider is that the previous TH16 update was released shortly after last year’s Hammer Jam 2023. This also coincides with last year’s schedule, which saw the Clash of Clans Hammer Jam release in late November (27th) to early December (11th), and on the 12th of December, we got the TH16 update.
Clash of Clans Town Hall 17 Update Release Date
Adding all of this up together, we get a pretty solid release date of November 25th, 2024 for the Clash of Clans Town Hall 17 update.
To further reinforce this, just a day earlier, on November 24th, the current season of Legends League ends which makes a lot of sense for the next day to start fresh with the Town Hall 17 update.
But again, this is merely pure speculation so take it with a grain of salt. However, considering the current timeline of how the missing Hammer story is progressing and the lineup of schedules, it’s a bit too much of a coincidence to ignore.
That said, we’ll just have to wait and see as the mystery unfolds and we finally catch who stole Builder’s trusty Hammer.
With that in mind, if you’re getting back into COC after taking a break and need to catch, check out a trusted site like U7BUY to find new accounts or top-ups for all your gaming needs!